Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nothing like the taste of sweet romance...

As most of you know Jerome and I have embarked on a long distance relationship due to my current post in India. This is a bit of a challenge but the distance is what we make it. This morning my inbox greeted be with a response to an email from Jerome. It made my heart soar and I couldn't resist sharing our honest "prose" with you.

This is the format which we use to correspond back and forth. My original is in coral, and his responses are in black. 

Original sent October 22, 2011 3:33am

Dreaming of Saturday morning...cold. Back porch with animals.
Fall evenings with beers and friends. Football.
Seeing Monday mornings... with hopes and dreams. Puppies shaking of their sleep and kissing us good morning. Your face being the first thing I see to start my day. Blessed. 
Scarves and coats. New places and etsy shopping.
Coffee brewing and Real Simple pages creased and dog eared with music playing in the background. 
Smell of butternut squash roasting....
Bacon and pancakes because we feel like being silly and laughter fills our mouths as we laugh about so many things...
Trees giving color.
The sun giving energy and desire.
Drifting in and out. 
Focusing in and forward to what's next...
Waking to the reality of India. A magnificent animal that unfortunately is being used and abused. Perhaps it will fight back...
Walking through the reality of a broken world. A beautiful creation and people who have been distracted into absenteeism. We will fight for it... 
Sounds of mom and dad laughing next to a bonfire while I lay wrapped in dad's pineneedle scented coat. Memories push to future.
Thoughts of my Dad lighting up a smoke and talking about what the day would bring and putting hand to plow.... Memories push to future. 
Your Daydreaming wife who feels so disconnected from home,
Your daydreaming husband who strives to feel so connected to God, and as such connected to home.... connected to you. 


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