Friday, August 5, 2011

How to series: Make Coffee in India when desperate

Due to limited resources such as a coffee maker, a french press, actual coffee grounds, ect I have fallen back on good old instant coffee. Readers, do not scoff at this wonderful invention. Purists reading this will want to stone me outright for even using the phrases french press and instant in the same paragraph. Despite your doubts, instant coffee has changed my life friends. Yes, changed my life in India. It brings me pieces of my life from America into my new life in India. How is THAT possible you may ask? My dear reader, believe me when I say that I would much rather be having a french press filled to the brim with full-bodied Ethiopian coffee.  After not having a daily cup of joe for about 3 weeks one begins to get desperate.
Therefore, once we acquired our propane tank from Rajo, the Kirana store owner on our street, I fired it up and broke out some supplies brought from home. Please, peruse the photos below.

STEP ONE: Turn on propane tank and use lighter to light a flame. Do this without setting yourself and the kitchen on fire and you are a winner! Then place 8oz of clean drinking water into a small pot.

STEP TWO) While water is coming to a boil gather the following supplies: 1) Emergency VIA brought from Starbucks in the States (acquired off of Ebay by my amazing husband), 2) Cup purchased at your local Big Bazzar (Equivalent of Walmart back home. No they do not have an Indian greeter in a blue vest  smiling at you upon entry. Rather they have a man with a metal detector and a surly looking guard) 3) Sweetener such as sugar, stevia or honey

STEP THREE) Cut VIA package open with a knife (no scissors as of yet) and add to your Big Bazzar cup. Then slowly add the boiling water into said cup. 

STEP FOUR: Add your sweetener to the cup and stir. The aroma of faux Italian roast is filling your nostrils...wait for it, ah there it is. Smells like home right? Try not to notice the small roach climbing the wall above you and ignore the itch to find something with which to squash his little existence.  You have coffee coming so you are merciful and let him continue on his way.

STEP FIVE) After adding soy milk (optional) proceed to your balcony overlooking the street with tuktuks & motorcycles whizzing past, and the banana man calling out to passersby and block it all out with one sip. Ahhhh...desperation never tasted more like home. 

This blog post was brought to you by the appreciation of routine and the desire to carve out just a small bit of my new life and add in my old one. Thanks for reading! 



  1. Love this..great blog. Never let anyone deride instant coffee again..dare I say I sometimes use it here at home, even though I can gat the real stuff!. Love u.

  2. Brilliant Love. It makes me feel like I was there with you when you made it. I am so glad you packed the via. Lol. So glad.

  3. This is possibly the BEST blog post I have ever read!! I especially LOVE the roach bit. LOL!! Love you sis!!
